錬精術士コレットのHな搾精物語~精液を集める錬精術士~ The Motion Anime

There were two people living peacefully deep in the mountains. Priscilla, an alchemist, is a mysterious beautiful girl. And Colette, the main character, is the favorite student of Priscilla who was picked up and raised by Priscilla. Priscilla is living a leisurely life while teaching Colette the art of alchemy, which is different from the alchemy ...... that she herself has developed, and which uses semen to perform alchemy. In the middle of these uneventful days, an unexpected visitor appears. Priscilla is surprised, but Colette knows nothing. Priscilla decides to leave the mountain. And for that, she must finally let Colette go on her own. Colette is already a full-fledged alchemist, but she is still shy about collecting semen and has no experience with it. Priscilla decided to take the plunge for Colette. With the help of a secret potion, she gave her one last trial lesson! It was her first experience. Her first semen and successful alchemy. Priscilla, accompanied by Colette, who was now a full-fledged man, left the mountain for the royal city of Brave. She gives Colette her own atelier in the royal city as a gift. Colette is a new alchemist. She will meet various people, help people, and get involved in incidents. Her great activities are about to begin.